Dienstag, 1. September 2009

thank you four the inspiration, michael jackson!

We had to say goodbye to some parts of Michael Jackson long before he really died. The colour of his skin, for example. Or his nose. Or his integrity. And because "Jeder Abschied ist ein kleiner Tod", the final Arrivederci was not so painful. And I do feel much better because there are so many people singing and dancing for him.

1. Gruseln in Legoland
This is the cut version. The uncut is too long and therefore a bit on the long side.

2. Zombie lebenslang
This dance event in a phillipine prison probably wont count for good conduct, because then, every prisoner could go home.
Please watch out for the receiding hairline of the man the woman.

3. Totally rad Zombietanz to learn
bleach and ether ready? then the only thing missing is the guide how to do the thriller.

Voll unheimlich: the video lurks behind the picture.

4. Jacko goes to Bollywood
A brilliant piece of entertainment. And so nice of the leading actor to wear the old gummisuit Britney Spears wore in "Toxic".

5. The Video from the Marketing-Friedhof
As in the video there are a lot of Zombies in Second Life. Such as empty brand stores. such as empty ad agencies. und so weiter. you know what i mean. you dont really have to watch the video, i just found it very funny that someone programmes like crazy and it still looks like an epileptic self-help-group after four rounds of absynth.

6. A kid
At last! A kid that dances just for fun and not one that is forced by a successful, fat mother.

7. Phrrrrt Michaels father brother lookalike
in the end Michael Jackson looked like Darth Vader without the mask. The next parallel would be the evil father. But, Michael Jackson had a bad father and Darth Vader was one himself. And now i have to stop thinking about it, otherwise i wonder about why latoya looks just like yoda und then i cant stop thinking about which star wars character looks like which member of the jacksons.

Jeder Abschied ist ein kleiner Tod - every goodbye is a little death
Arrivederci - Goodbye (not German)
Gruseln - jimjams
lebenslang - lifelong
Friedhof - graveyard

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