Dienstag, 11. August 2009


Hallo English speaking Community!
Willkommen zu the Kraut is sauer, my new weblog in english. I already have one in German, but will never reach a grüner Zweig with it. In comparison to the German blogosphere, insurance companies are freaky places. Everything is very serious and mostly people complain or discuss other peoples failures, at least in successful blogs. There are other blogs i really like, they are funny and clever and relaxed, but it seems that only the frustrated blogger is a successful one.
i am neither nor. but i want to be successful. usually i am a freelance copywriter, but at the moment i dont work, because i have a baby of six month. and working in advertising with a baby is impossible because kindergärten close at six in the evening which is lunch time in the advertising world.
so my idea was to translate parts of my weblog into English, write new stuff especially for you and wait what you think. Every Beitrag has a prima add-on: a few German words, mostly words i like that you can use to show off and be a real Kosmopolit. to make sure you use them in the right context an know what they mean, they are translated and/or explained at the bottom.

Viva la Völkerverständigung!
Viva la Spass!


auf einen grünen Zweig kommen - being successful with sth. (literally: to reach a green branch of a tree)
kindergärten - kindergarten, but plural
Beitrag - article
Kosmopolit - cosmopolitan
Völkerverständigung - international understanding
spass - fun

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jie jie wont make it...
Nice that it is possible to heal this boy. Medicine...
Flake - 28. Jan, 05:42
thank you four the inspiration,...
We had to say goodbye to some parts of Michael Jackson...
inFemme - 1. Sep, 20:53
This could have been discussed at the ice cream parlor: "Hey,...
inFemme - 28. Aug, 10:08
the ramones were right:...
sometimes boredom drives you crazy. sometimes it drives...
inFemme - 28. Aug, 09:43
hei poa, hei poa (as...
a little while ago i thought i had found the solution...
inFemme - 19. Aug, 10:27






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